Neirin McDonald

Cyber Security Professional


Hi, I'm Neirin.
I'm a cybersecurity professional working as a Security Engineer at Adarma Ltd in Scotland. Alongside my job I enjoy keeping up to date with cyber security by attending monthly Defcon meetings, Bsides events and other security conferences.

Outside the cybersecurity realm I spend my time playing boardgames (challenge me to a chess game!), snowboarding, travelling (when I can) and programming.

Picture of the colosseum in Rome

My past projects / interests

Honey pots

Tower computer with monitor

Honeypots were one of the first things I found interesting within cyber security, as I find tricking malicious actors to be funny. Some of the technologies I've used in previous honeypot projects are Cowrie, Elastic/ELK stack and Snort.

Small electronics

Circuit board

One of my first personal computers was a Raspberry Pi 1, which I still have. This was the first introduction I had into computers and the world of small single-board computers and PCB's. Since then I have amassed a small collection of Raspberry Pis and miniature electronics which I have used for projects. Like the Dangerous Prototypes Bus pirate, or the NodeMCU ESP8266.


Programming icon

The first language I used and learnt was Python on a Raspberry Pi 1. Since then my skill (and Raspberry Pi collection) has developed considerably. Through college and University I have learnt languages like Java, C++ and of course web development languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. While I don't do any major programming projects anymore, I keep my skills up by doing small projects (like this website) and practicing on HackerRank and Leetcode.


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